Written by Admin on February 5th, 2024 in

Longitudinal Study of Ageing And Health In Viet Nam (LSAHV): Releasing Baseline Dataset

The Longitudinal Study of Ageing and Health in Viet Nam (LSAHV) is the first multi-actor longitudinal study on ageing in Viet Nam with information collected from 6,039 older Vietnamese people, their current or potential caregivers, and adult children. The 2018-2019 baseline data provides comprehensive information on the health, economic status, and overall well-being of a nationally representative sample of older Vietnamese people aged 60 and above. This data will be a valuable resource for the crafting of evidence- based policies.

To facilitate the dissemination of the LSAHV study’s initial survey data, the Institute of Population, Health, and Development (PHAD) and The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) have formally released the dataset from January 2024. The purpose of this data release is to make it available to researchers, policymakers, and individuals with a vested interest in Aging and Health. It is essential to note that this dataset is exclusively intended for research or policy purposes only; and the data use for commercial purposes is prohibited.

For those seeking access to the dataset, kindly follow this link and carefully read the provided instructions and terms of use. The dataset will only be shared upon matching the LSAHV study criteria.