Written by Admin on December 31st, 2019 in


Strategic Vision 2020 – 2030

A statement of mission should aim to be accurate, clear, concise, memorable, and uplifting. Ideally, the PHAD mission will serve as a durable touchstone to judge its processes, programs, and direction.

In defining PHAD’s direction for the next five years, the Council reflected anew on the organization’s mission and proposed the following statements.

    • The Institute of Population, Health, and Development will serve as an adviser to the nation to improve health

    • As is true for the whole of the Public Health Community, PHAD strives to provide unbiased advice, based on evidence, and grounded in science. This expression of mission conveys function (“adviser”) object (“the nation”) and purpose (“to improve health”). It suggests the institutional value of service, the range of products and personnel required to advise well, the audiences and potential users of PHAD products, and PHAD’s aspiration to advance health in Vietnam, the region, and the world.

    • The overarching aim of the next ten years is to increase the impact of what PHAD does: shaping both ideas and actions through analysis, education, and advice to decision-makers, thereby influencing outcomes for improved health. Depending on the specific circumstances of the topic and product, PHAD audiences include policymakers, professionals, leaders in every sector of society, and the public. To increase its impact, PHAD must do five things well: 1) select wisely the individual topics and the portfolio of projects undertaken; 2) conduct its work with the highest possible quality, in a timely and efficient manner; 3) communicate strategically and effectively; 4) evaluate what we do from the vantage point of our sponsors, constituents, and audiences; and 5) mobilize the human, physical, and financial resources needed for the task.

GOAL I. Selecting the PHAD Program Portfolio
1.1. Fulfill PHAD’s charter responsibility to respond effectively and positively to requests for advice from any government agency.
1.2. Pursue a portfolio of topics that individually and collectively satisfy the following criteria:
• Important to health
• Comparative advantage for PHAD (e.g., grounding in science, pertinent expertise and experience, appropriate time frame and response mechanism)
• Relevant to policymakers
• Under-appreciated or not yet well understood
• Adequate resources available or obtainable
• Compatible with thematic emphasis
1.3. Increase emphasis on global health especially environmental health and non-communicable diseases
1.4. Develop a process to scan the environment periodically and proactively to identify emerging issues that deserve attention from PHAD.
1.5. Devise mechanisms to identify and develop topics that do not fall within the traditional missions of the program boards or that cut across multiple boards.
1.6. Consider developing the model of Public-Private-Partnership to provide prevention services for marginalized groups such as IDU, Drug Users, Sex Workers, MSM, or other high-risk behavior groups such as Positive people, Partners of Positive people and children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS.

GOAL II. Conducting Our Work
2.1. Deliver high-quality products on time and budget.
2.2. Introduce and evaluate new products and processes to better serve the needs of sponsors, decision-makers, and the public.
2.3. Encourage internal collaboration across PHAD boards and between PHAD and the several divisions of the National Research Council.
2.4. Invest in state-of-the-art technology for study support, knowledge management, and communication.
2.5. Invest in some models of community-based care, support, and treatment for PLHA, and MARPs in different regions of Vietnam: urban, rural, and mountainous regions to learn about the sustainability and PPP mechanism.
2.6. Learn, as an organization, from successes and failures.

GOAL III. Communicating Our Message
3.1. Make strategic communication a routine part of planning from the outset and throughout every project and across the whole of the PHAD program.
3.2. Develop a comprehensive internet strategy for PHAD communication.
3.3. Seek partners in complementary organizations to extend and amplify PHAD communication efforts.
3.4. Enhance internal communication with PHAD members and staff, especially utilizing electronic means.
3.5. Increase recognition of the PHAD as a top-of-mind resource for health and science policymakers.

GOAL IV. Evaluating Our Work
4.1. Listen more frequently and systematically to sponsors, audiences, members, volunteers, and staff.
4.2. Explore mechanisms for defining, measuring, and monitoring impact.
4.3. Refine methods to track member engagement in PHAD activities, and periodically survey members’ satisfaction with their involvement.
4.4. Canvas committee chairs and other participants in PHAD activities to ascertain their satisfaction with processes and suggestions for improvement.
4.5. Invite, value, and respond to staff feedback and suggestions for improving their work experience and PHAD’s performance.

GOAL V. Ensuring Our Capacity
5.1. Recruit, motivate, and value a highly qualified and diverse workforce.
5.2. Make PHAD an attractive place to work where the quality of daily experience is commensurate with the quality of PHAD products.
5.3. Inquire into the desirability and practicalities of expanding PHAD membership.
5.4. Increase the involvement and enrich the experience of members in PHAD and its activities.
5.5. Raise $0.25 million in new endowments and unrestricted gifts.